I believe we need to consider how the Union is run at the very highest level. I believe that the Deputy President (Finance and Services) job is too big for any officer to do it effectively and it should be split to give us a DP(Finance) with the services role taken over by the Deputy President (Clubs and Societies) to create a DP(Clubs and Services), this will unify student activity and allow more control and care to be taken over Union finances, an area that is still of concern and that needs a great deal of attention. However, this is a personal belief and wide consultation is needed before any change is proposed. The governance review of last year was a great start but all involved acknowledged that whilst massive in its scope it left some things undone, now the new system has had time to bed in, it is time to tackles these last things so we can get the Union you deserve.
Elect me as President and I will:
1. Commission an open review into the structure of the Union to ensure it best serves the membership.
2. Ensure that all clubs are supported equally, not prioritize one group over another.
- Voting Open
- About Me
- The Coming Year
- NUS Review and Referendum
- Union Structure Review
- Strengthening Our Clubs and Societies
- Experience
- Review the Space Agreement
- Officer Without Portfolio
- Democratic Accountability
- Accessibility
- Discounts
- Pastoral Care
- Teaching
- Postgraduate Freshers’ Week
- Fair Marking
- Faculty Unions
- The RSM
- Commercial Services
- Environmental Concerns