Firstly, for those of you who don’t know me, a little about myself. I am currently a post-graduate student in Biochemistry having done my undergraduate degree (in Biology) at Imperial as well. During my nine years at Imperial, I have been heavily involved in all aspects of student life from club activity to accommodation. I have been a member of numerous clubs and am currently the Polo Captain for Riding and Polo Club, have sat on the Accommodation Committee as a rep for four years, sat on Council as an ordinary member, was the Post-Graduate Safety Rep for the Department of Biological Sciences, have been a sub-warden for three years and was Deputy President (Finance and Services) last year. I have always sought to serve students during my time at Imperial and have a deep commitment to student welfare and wellbeing.
This is my full manifesto for Union President, I firmly believe that I am the person with the experience, the ability and the drive to help the Union achieve great things for you, its members this year. There is no way you can elect a President on a manifesto of only 250 words so please take the time to read the sections below you think apply to you (or all of them!).
If you want to speak to me about anything, please email me on, speak to me around College or come to hustings in the JCR at 1200 hrs 18th February or in da Vinci’s at 1830 hrs 21st February. Voting will take place at from 0000 hrs 22nd February to 2359 hrs 26th February.
- Voting Open
- About Me
- The Coming Year
- NUS Review and Referendum
- Union Structure Review
- Strengthening Our Clubs and Societies
- Experience
- Review the Space Agreement
- Officer Without Portfolio
- Democratic Accountability
- Accessibility
- Discounts
- Pastoral Care
- Teaching
- Postgraduate Freshers’ Week
- Fair Marking
- Faculty Unions
- The RSM
- Commercial Services
- Environmental Concerns