Being President is a big job, you deserve a President with real experience of both College and the Union who has the ability to get things done. I have the experience to hit the ground running and do a good job all year. Having been Deputy President (Finance and Services) last year I know how both the College and Union work and know where changes are needed. Not only was I DPFS, I have also held welfare roles within the Union (most notably on the accommodation committee) and been on Council so I know all aspects of the job. I have been involved in the Union for the past nine years and seen a lot of changes, I know when we are re-inventing the wheel and have a deep understanding of what can and can’t be done.
Elect me as President, I have the experience to get the job done.
- Voting Open
- About Me
- The Coming Year
- NUS Review and Referendum
- Union Structure Review
- Strengthening Our Clubs and Societies
- Experience
- Review the Space Agreement
- Officer Without Portfolio
- Democratic Accountability
- Accessibility
- Discounts
- Pastoral Care
- Teaching
- Postgraduate Freshers’ Week
- Fair Marking
- Faculty Unions
- The RSM
- Commercial Services
- Environmental Concerns