The bars have been performing well recently and are a valuable asset but can still be improved, we have ten ale lines but are not Cask Marque accredited. Cask Marque accreditation guarantees the quality of the ale served and can increase business and is something we should strive towards. Catering still needs improvement and a lot can be done to bring this about including increasing opening hours to later in the evening with more range (such as burgers and chips readily available in the evenings). On the main South Kensington Campus, the Union shop needs to ensure that it remains relevant and of use to students.
Elect me as President and I will:
1. Work to keep Commercial Services relevant to students.
2. Aim to get Cask Marque accreditation within a year.
3. Work to improve Union catering.
- Voting Open
- About Me
- The Coming Year
- NUS Review and Referendum
- Union Structure Review
- Strengthening Our Clubs and Societies
- Experience
- Review the Space Agreement
- Officer Without Portfolio
- Democratic Accountability
- Accessibility
- Discounts
- Pastoral Care
- Teaching
- Postgraduate Freshers’ Week
- Fair Marking
- Faculty Unions
- The RSM
- Commercial Services
- Environmental Concerns