- Voting Open
- About Me
- The Coming Year
- NUS Review and Referendum
- Union Structure Review
- Strengthening Our Clubs and Societies
- Experience
- Review the Space Agreement
- Officer Without Portfolio
- Democratic Accountability
- Accessibility
- Discounts
- Pastoral Care
- Teaching
- Postgraduate Freshers’ Week
- Fair Marking
- Faculty Unions
- The RSM
- Commercial Services
- Environmental Concerns
The Coming Year
Next year is a crucial time for Imperial students and the Union. We will see the new Rector start his term; phase two of the redevelopment will be fully underway and funding for phase three (the Union’s Trading outlets) will need will need to be secured, College are unlikely to hand out money to renovate dB’s Nightclub the same way they did for disabled access and staff offices. Outside our own walls we will see the Higher Education funding debate rage on with the cap on top up fees to come under review. Now, more than ever, experience and strong leadership counts for more than anything. A bad working relationship with the new Rector will have lasting effects on students for years to come, when you vote, vote wisely.